1.2) Who are the other volunteers? Who are all these people?
The Oak City Cares Center (OCCC) is owned by the City of Raleigh. Its operations are currently coördinated by an employee of the Catholic Charities of Raleigh (CCoR) who is paid by the city for this specific service. As such, the OCCC frequently has CCoR volunteers cleaning up, directing "traffic" and generally helping to keep things running.
The actual service of food and distribution of items is done by other charitable groups and organizations such as ours, the scheduling of which is done by the OCCC's coördinator.
Therefore, you will see some folks with formal-looking ID badges and some folks wearing stick-on, temporary name tags. When the OCCC opened in 2014, the CCoR gave its volunteers bright orange T-shirts, some of which still show up.
We Human Beans have flirted with the idea of name tags a few times, but have come to eschew them, as we generally feel that our wearing name tags creates a "there's-us-and-then-there's-you" environment. We prefer simply to be friends helping friends, as it were. If you'd like to wear a name tag, it's your choice of course (my 10-year-old liked doing so), but in general, you can tell the HBT volunteers by their very lack of identification. Of course, that may lead to people's mistaking us for the friends to whom we're offering help, but that's kinda the whole idea...